How can I log in into from an iPhone?

I lost my iPhone and i had a lot of important contacts and documents in my iCloud mail account. The only "computer" I currently have available is my friend's iPhone which is connected to his own iCloud account. Is there a way to log into from an iPhone?

You can use Google Chrome for iOS to go to and force it to show you the desktop version, by clicking on the "Request Desktop Site" menu option. Then you get the login form, and you can login as usual.

Image source

I'm not exactly answering your question, but if you're looking to change your iCloud password then… If you remember your Apple ID and password, you can login from another non-iPhone device using a current web browser. The address is enter image description here

Use Puffin. There is a free version in the app store (you don't need the paid version for this).

I use Puffin to (successfully) get around the limitations of Safari/mobile/touch browsers in a lot of difficult situations.

I have just tried, and you can successfully log in to on iOS with Puffin and access Mail. A hint: You may need to pinch-to-zoom out sometimes to get the interface to redraw to fit your screen, even though it's not obvious this will work. Just try it if things aren't displaying right ;)

I don't use iCloud mail, so I couldn't actually try to load a message or read it, but at least I know you can log in.