How to create md5 hash in bash in Mac OS X

Solution 1:

This should work -

[jaypal:~/Temp] echo "this will be encrypted" | md5

or if you prefer here string notation then -

[jaypal:~/Temp] md5 <<< 'this will be encrypted'


Per the man page, you can play around with any of the following options

-s string
        Print a checksum of the given string.

-p      Echo stdin to stdout and append the checksum to stdout.

-q      Quiet mode - only the checksum is printed out.  Overrides the -r option.

[jaypal:~/Temp] md5 -s 'this will be encrypted'
MD5 ("this will be encrypted") = 502810f799de274ff7840a1549cd028a

[jaypal:~/Temp] md5 -qs 'this will be encrypted'

Note: MD5 always produces the same hash. The reason you find the output different from the example given above is due to a point that has been made in the comments. The first two examples use the trailing newline character to produce the hash. To avoid that, you can use:

[jaypal:~/Temp] echo -n "this will be encrypted" | md5

For example, if you use echo -n "string" | md5 (note the -n option), you get b45cffe084dd3d20d928bee85e7b0f21. But, if you use echo "string" | md5, you get b80fa55b1234f1935cea559d9efbc39a.

Or, verify it with the shell:

➜  [jaypal:~/Temp] [ $(echo "HOLA" | md5) = $(echo "HOLA" -n | md5) ]; echo "$?"
# 1 -> False. Hence, the result from echoing "HOLA" toggling the -n flag
# outputs different md5 checksums.

Solution 2:

To achieve what you asked:

md5 -s string

outputs: MD5 ("string") = b45cffe084dd3d20d928bee85e7b0f21

Solution 3:

OSX uses md5 but most unices use md5sum

Here is a section of rvm's rvmrc validation code which finds the correct md5 binary and wraps it.

  if builtin command -v md5 > /dev/null; then
    echo "$1" | md5
  elif builtin command -v md5sum > /dev/null ; then
    echo "$1" | md5sum | awk '{print $1}'
    rvm_error "Neither md5 nor md5sum were found in the PATH"
    return 1

  return 0

( Code from )