How to extract a gpg file

I have a file that is compressed. I used a program to find out what kind of file it is and it says that it's a gpg file. How do you uncompress a gpg file?

Solution 1:

GPG is a free implementation of the OpenPGP standard:

It is used to encrypt and sign files not to compress them.

You do not state which system you are using but Google will help to find a free GPG implementation for your platform.

If you are using Linux you can for example:

$ gpg --output destination --decrypt sourcefile.gpg

but you will need the proper key.

Solution 2:

gpg, by default, compresses all encrypted data with zlib – to be more specific: zlib level 6 – which is similar to gzip. i recommend trying gunzip or gpg with the right key to decompress the file. please let me know weather this works or not. thanks

Solution 3:

If I recall completely, a 'gpg' file is encrypted rather than compressed.
What you need to do is use the gnupg tool to decrypt it -- of course using a key.
Or, its the security key file itself. In which case there is not data here, just the key to decrypt other encrypted data.

The decrypted file may then itself be compressed/archived in some other format,
which can be used to open its contents.