Python FTP get the most recent file by date

Solution 1:

For those looking for a full solution for finding the latest file in a folder:


If your FTP server supports MLSD command, a solution is easy:

entries = list(ftp.mlsd())
entries.sort(key = lambda entry: entry[1]['modify'], reverse = True)
latest_name = entries[0][0]


If you need to rely on an obsolete LIST command, you have to parse a proprietary listing it returns.

Common *nix listing is like:

-rw-r--r-- 1 user group           4467 Mar 27  2018
-rw-r--r-- 1 user group         124529 Jun 18 15:31

With a listing like this, this code will do:

from dateutil import parser

# ...

lines = []
ftp.dir("", lines.append)

latest_time = None
latest_name = None

for line in lines:
    tokens = line.split(maxsplit = 9)
    time_str = tokens[5] + " " + tokens[6] + " " + tokens[7]
    time = parser.parse(time_str)
    if (latest_time is None) or (time > latest_time):
        latest_name = tokens[8]
        latest_time = time


This is a rather fragile approach.


A more reliable, but a way less efficient, is to use MDTM command to retrieve timestamps of individual files/folders:

names = ftp.nlst()

latest_time = None
latest_name = None

for name in names:
    time = ftp.voidcmd("MDTM " + name)
    if (latest_time is None) or (time > latest_time):
        latest_name = name
        latest_time = time


For an alternative version of the code, see the answer by @Paulo.

Non-standard -t switch

Some FTP servers support a proprietary non-standard -t switch for NLST (or LIST) command.

lines = ftp.nlst("-t")

latest_name = lines[-1]

See How to get files in FTP folder sorted by modification time.

Downloading found file

No matter what approach you use, once you have the latest_name, you download it as any other file:

with open(latest_name, 'wb') as f:
    ftp.retrbinary('RETR '+ latest_name, f.write)

See also

  • Get the latest FTP folder name in Python
  • How to get FTP file's modify time using Python ftplib

Solution 2:

Why don't you use next dir option?


With this option the file listing is time ordered from newest to oldest. Then just retrieve the first file in the list to download it.

Solution 3:

With NLST, like shown in Martin Prikryl's response, you should use sorted method:

ftp = FTP(host="", user="u",passwd="p")
file_name = sorted(ftp.nlst(), key=lambda x: ftp.voidcmd(f"MDTM {x}"))[-1]

Solution 4:

If you have all the dates in time.struct_time (strptime will give you this) in a list then all you have to do is sort the list.

Here's an example :


import time

dates = [
    "Jan 16 18:35 2012",
    "Aug 16 21:14 2012",
    "Dec 05 22:27 2012",
    "Jan 22 19:42 2012",
    "Jan 24 00:49 2012",
    "Dec 15 22:41 2012",
    "Dec 13 01:41 2012",
    "Dec 24 01:23 2012",
    "Jan 21 00:35 2012",
    "Jan 16 18:35 2012",

def main():
    datelist = []
    for date in dates:
        date = time.strptime(date, '%b %d %H:%M %Y')

    print datelist
    print datelist

if __name__ == '__main__':