How to customize parameter names when binding Spring MVC command objects?

I have a command object:

public class Job {
    private String jobType;
    private String location;

Which is bound by spring-mvc:

public String doSomethingWithJob(Job job) {

Which works fine for But now I need to make it work for the following url instead:

Obviously, I don't want to change my command object, because the field names have to remain long (as they are used in the code). How can I customize that? Is there an option to do something like this:

public class Job {
    private String jobType;
    private String location;

This doesn't work (@RequestParam can't be applied to fields).

The thing I'm thinking about is a custom message converter similar to FormHttpMessageConverter and read a custom annotation on the target object

Solution 1:

This solution more concise but requires using RequestMappingHandlerAdapter, which Spring use when <mvc:annotation-driven /> enabled. Hope it will help somebody. The idea is to extend ServletRequestDataBinder like this:

 * ServletRequestDataBinder which supports fields renaming using {@link ParamName}
 * @author jkee
public class ParamNameDataBinder extends ExtendedServletRequestDataBinder {

    private final Map<String, String> renameMapping;

    public ParamNameDataBinder(Object target, String objectName, Map<String, String> renameMapping) {
        super(target, objectName);
        this.renameMapping = renameMapping;

    protected void addBindValues(MutablePropertyValues mpvs, ServletRequest request) {
        super.addBindValues(mpvs, request);
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : renameMapping.entrySet()) {
            String from = entry.getKey();
            String to = entry.getValue();
            if (mpvs.contains(from)) {
                mpvs.add(to, mpvs.getPropertyValue(from).getValue());

Appropriate processor:

 * Method processor supports {@link ParamName} parameters renaming
 * @author jkee

public class RenamingProcessor extends ServletModelAttributeMethodProcessor {

    private RequestMappingHandlerAdapter requestMappingHandlerAdapter;

    //Rename cache
    private final Map<Class<?>, Map<String, String>> replaceMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, Map<String, String>>();

    public RenamingProcessor(boolean annotationNotRequired) {

    protected void bindRequestParameters(WebDataBinder binder, NativeWebRequest nativeWebRequest) {
        Object target = binder.getTarget();
        Class<?> targetClass = target.getClass();
        if (!replaceMap.containsKey(targetClass)) {
            Map<String, String> mapping = analyzeClass(targetClass);
            replaceMap.put(targetClass, mapping);
        Map<String, String> mapping = replaceMap.get(targetClass);
        ParamNameDataBinder paramNameDataBinder = new ParamNameDataBinder(target, binder.getObjectName(), mapping);
        requestMappingHandlerAdapter.getWebBindingInitializer().initBinder(paramNameDataBinder, nativeWebRequest);
        super.bindRequestParameters(paramNameDataBinder, nativeWebRequest);

    private static Map<String, String> analyzeClass(Class<?> targetClass) {
        Field[] fields = targetClass.getDeclaredFields();
        Map<String, String> renameMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
        for (Field field : fields) {
            ParamName paramNameAnnotation = field.getAnnotation(ParamName.class);
            if (paramNameAnnotation != null && !paramNameAnnotation.value().isEmpty()) {
                renameMap.put(paramNameAnnotation.value(), field.getName());
        if (renameMap.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyMap();
        return renameMap;


 * Overrides parameter name
 * @author jkee

public @interface ParamName {

     * The name of the request parameter to bind to.
    String value();


Spring config:

        <bean class="">
            <constructor-arg name="annotationNotRequired" value="true"/>

And finally, usage (like Bozho solution):

public class Job {
    private String jobType;
    private String location;

Solution 2:

Here's what I got working:

First, a parameter resolver:

 * This resolver handles command objects annotated with @SupportsAnnotationParameterResolution
 * that are passed as parameters to controller methods.
 * It parses @CommandPerameter annotations on command objects to
 * populate the Binder with the appropriate values (that is, the filed names
 * corresponding to the GET parameters)
 * In order to achieve this, small pieces of code are copied from spring-mvc
 * classes (indicated in-place). The alternative to the copied lines would be to
 * have a decorator around the Binder, but that would be more tedious, and still
 * some methods would need to be copied.
 * @author bozho
public class AnnotationServletModelAttributeResolver extends ServletModelAttributeMethodProcessor {

     * A map caching annotation definitions of command objects (@CommandParameter-to-fieldname mappings)
    private ConcurrentMap<Class<?>, Map<String, String>> definitionsCache = Maps.newConcurrentMap();

    public AnnotationServletModelAttributeResolver(boolean annotationNotRequired) {

    public boolean supportsParameter(MethodParameter parameter) {
        if (parameter.getParameterType().isAnnotationPresent(SupportsAnnotationParameterResolution.class)) {
            return true;
        return false;

    protected void bindRequestParameters(WebDataBinder binder, NativeWebRequest request) {
        ServletRequest servletRequest = request.getNativeRequest(ServletRequest.class);
        ServletRequestDataBinder servletBinder = (ServletRequestDataBinder) binder;
        bind(servletRequest, servletBinder);

    public void bind(ServletRequest request, ServletRequestDataBinder binder) {
        Map<String, ?> propertyValues = parsePropertyValues(request, binder);
        MutablePropertyValues mpvs = new MutablePropertyValues(propertyValues);
        MultipartRequest multipartRequest = WebUtils.getNativeRequest(request, MultipartRequest.class);
        if (multipartRequest != null) {
            bindMultipart(multipartRequest.getMultiFileMap(), mpvs);

        // two lines copied from ExtendedServletRequestDataBinder
        String attr = HandlerMapping.URI_TEMPLATE_VARIABLES_ATTRIBUTE;
        mpvs.addPropertyValues((Map<String, String>) request.getAttribute(attr));

    private Map<String, ?> parsePropertyValues(ServletRequest request, ServletRequestDataBinder binder) {

        // similar to WebUtils.getParametersStartingWith(..) (prefixes not supported)
        Map<String, Object> params = Maps.newTreeMap();
        Assert.notNull(request, "Request must not be null");
        Enumeration<?> paramNames = request.getParameterNames();
        Map<String, String> parameterMappings = getParameterMappings(binder);
        while (paramNames != null && paramNames.hasMoreElements()) {
            String paramName = (String) paramNames.nextElement();
            String[] values = request.getParameterValues(paramName);

            String fieldName = parameterMappings.get(paramName);
            // no annotation exists, use the default - the param name=field name
            if (fieldName == null) {
                fieldName = paramName;

            if (values == null || values.length == 0) {
                // Do nothing, no values found at all.
            } else if (values.length > 1) {
                params.put(fieldName, values);
            } else {
                params.put(fieldName, values[0]);

        return params;

     * Gets a mapping between request parameter names and field names.
     * If no annotation is specified, no entry is added
     * @return
    private Map<String, String> getParameterMappings(ServletRequestDataBinder binder) {
        Class<?> targetClass = binder.getTarget().getClass();
        Map<String, String> map = definitionsCache.get(targetClass);
        if (map == null) {
            Field[] fields = targetClass.getDeclaredFields();
            map = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(fields.length);
            for (Field field : fields) {
                CommandParameter annotation = field.getAnnotation(CommandParameter.class);
                if (annotation != null && !annotation.value().isEmpty()) {
                    map.put(annotation.value(), field.getName());
            definitionsCache.putIfAbsent(targetClass, map);
            return map;
        } else {
            return map;

     * Copied from WebDataBinder.
     * @param multipartFiles
     * @param mpvs
    protected void bindMultipart(Map<String, List<MultipartFile>> multipartFiles, MutablePropertyValues mpvs) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, List<MultipartFile>> entry : multipartFiles.entrySet()) {
            String key = entry.getKey();
            List<MultipartFile> values = entry.getValue();
            if (values.size() == 1) {
                MultipartFile value = values.get(0);
                if (!value.isEmpty()) {
                    mpvs.add(key, value);
            } else {
                mpvs.add(key, values);

And then registering the parameter resolver using a post-processor. It should be registered as a <bean>:

 * Post-processor to be used if any modifications to the handler adapter need to be made
 * @author bozho
public class AnnotationHandlerMappingPostProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor {

    public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String arg1)
            throws BeansException {
        return bean;

    public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String arg1)
            throws BeansException {
        if (bean instanceof RequestMappingHandlerAdapter) {
            RequestMappingHandlerAdapter adapter = (RequestMappingHandlerAdapter) bean;
            List<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> resolvers = adapter.getCustomArgumentResolvers();
            if (resolvers == null) {
                resolvers = Lists.newArrayList();
            resolvers.add(new AnnotationServletModelAttributeResolver(false));

        return bean;


Solution 3:

In Spring 3.1, ServletRequestDataBinder provides a hook for additional bind values:

protected void addBindValues(MutablePropertyValues mpvs, ServletRequest request) {

The ExtendedServletRequestDataBinder subclass uses it to add URI template variables as binding values. You could extend it further to make it possible to add command-specific field aliases.

You can override RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.createDataBinderFactory(..) to provide a custom WebDataBinder instance. From a controller's perspective it could look like this:

public void initBinder(MyWebDataBinder binder) {
   binder.addFieldAlias("jobType", "jt");
   // ...

Solution 4:

Thanks the answer of @jkee .
Here is my solution.
First, a custom annotation:

public @interface ParamName {

   * The name of the request parameter to bind to.
  String value();


A customer DataBinder:

public class ParamNameDataBinder extends ExtendedServletRequestDataBinder {

  private final Map<String, String> paramMappings;

  public ParamNameDataBinder(Object target, String objectName, Map<String, String> paramMappings) {
    super(target, objectName);
    this.paramMappings = paramMappings;

  protected void addBindValues(MutablePropertyValues mutablePropertyValues, ServletRequest request) {
    super.addBindValues(mutablePropertyValues, request);
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : paramMappings.entrySet()) {
      String paramName = entry.getKey();
      String fieldName = entry.getValue();
      if (mutablePropertyValues.contains(paramName)) {
        mutablePropertyValues.add(fieldName, mutablePropertyValues.getPropertyValue(paramName).getValue());


A parameter resolver:

public class ParamNameProcessor extends ServletModelAttributeMethodProcessor {

  private RequestMappingHandlerAdapter requestMappingHandlerAdapter;

  private static final Map<Class<?>, Map<String, String>> PARAM_MAPPINGS_CACHE = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(256);

  public ParamNameProcessor() {

  public boolean supportsParameter(MethodParameter parameter) {
    return parameter.hasParameterAnnotation(RequestParam.class)
        && !BeanUtils.isSimpleProperty(parameter.getParameterType())
        .anyMatch(field -> field.getAnnotation(ParamName.class) != null);

  protected void bindRequestParameters(WebDataBinder binder, NativeWebRequest nativeWebRequest) {
    Object target = binder.getTarget();
    Map<String, String> paramMappings = this.getParamMappings(target.getClass());
    ParamNameDataBinder paramNameDataBinder = new ParamNameDataBinder(target, binder.getObjectName(), paramMappings);
    requestMappingHandlerAdapter.getWebBindingInitializer().initBinder(paramNameDataBinder, nativeWebRequest);
    super.bindRequestParameters(paramNameDataBinder, nativeWebRequest);

   * Get param mappings.
   * Cache param mappings in memory.
   * @param targetClass
   * @return {@link Map<String, String>}
  private Map<String, String> getParamMappings(Class<?> targetClass) {
    if (PARAM_MAPPINGS_CACHE.containsKey(targetClass)) {
      return PARAM_MAPPINGS_CACHE.get(targetClass);
    Field[] fields = targetClass.getDeclaredFields();
    Map<String, String> paramMappings = new HashMap<>(32);
    for (Field field : fields) {
      ParamName paramName = field.getAnnotation(ParamName.class);
      if (paramName != null && !paramName.value().isEmpty()) {
        paramMappings.put(paramName.value(), field.getName());
    PARAM_MAPPINGS_CACHE.put(targetClass, paramMappings);
    return paramMappings;


Finally, a bean configuration for adding ParamNameProcessor into the first of argument resolvers:

public class WebConfig {

   * Processor for annotation {@link ParamName}.
   * @return ParamNameProcessor
  protected ParamNameProcessor paramNameProcessor() {
    return new ParamNameProcessor();

   * Custom {@link BeanPostProcessor} for adding {@link ParamNameProcessor} into the first of
   * {@link RequestMappingHandlerAdapter#argumentResolvers}.
   * @return BeanPostProcessor
  public BeanPostProcessor beanPostProcessor() {
    return new BeanPostProcessor() {

      public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
        return bean;

      public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
        if (bean instanceof RequestMappingHandlerAdapter) {
          RequestMappingHandlerAdapter adapter = (RequestMappingHandlerAdapter) bean;
          List<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> argumentResolvers = new ArrayList<>(adapter.getArgumentResolvers());
          argumentResolvers.add(0, paramNameProcessor());
        return bean;


Param pojo:

public class Foo {

  private Integer id;

  private String firstName;

  private String lastName;

  @DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
  private Date createdAt;


Controller method:

public ResponseEntity<List<Foo>> listFoos(@RequestParam Foo foo, @PageableDefault(sort = "id") Pageable pageable) {
  List<Foo> foos = fooService.listFoos(foo, pageable);
  return ResponseEntity.ok(foos);

That's all.

Solution 5:

There is a simple way, you can just add one more setter method, like "setLoc,setJt".