HTML5 Boilerplate vs Twitter Bootstrap with JQuery and JQueryUI [closed]

I would like advice on whether to use HTML 5 Boilerplate or Twitter Bootstrap for a web application which may use JQuery UI controls.

Also is it possible for me to replace the Bootstrap controls with JQuery UI equivalents?

Thanks in advance


Yesterday, Nicolas Gallagher opened a new issue on H5BP's github repo regarding H5BP + Twitter Bootstrap integration. We'll see how that goes.

Also yesterday, Addy Osmani - the author of jQuery UI Bootstrap, opened the floor to voting on whether or not jQuery UI Bootstrap should be updated to Bootstrap 2.0, which is to be released on Jan 31 (of 2012, for those of you visiting from the future). Not a single down-vote was seen, so you can probably expect a jQuery UI Bootstrap-2.0 soon.

If you don't want to wait to integrate H5BP and Bootstrap checkout Mickael Daniel's h5bp + twitter bootstrap integration shell script. It won't give you the Bootstrap controls with JQuery UI equivalents you asked for, though.

Bootstrap and H5BP solve 2 different problems. The former is a front-end toolkit "designed to kickstart development of webapps and sites" whereas the latter is more of a solid foundation to build upon (it's not really a "boilerplate", as pointed out in its history wiki page).

Have you tried:

Generates template based on HTML5 Boilerplate with options that include bootstrap

Personally I would vote for a perfect combination of

  • Twitter Bootstrap
  • H5BP
  • Jquery, most used goodies

All these components for a perfect responsive solution, untill now, I only came accross Kickstrap project:

Perhaps, there are more, but this one looks realy nice.

I have started using Bootstrap and I could say : It's the best decision that I've ever made!

Before that, any web/app that I built is normal to have around 10 css files, because I am very well organized and like to have separate files for header/footer/nav/etc.

But after using Bootstrap, the stylesheet involved reduced to 1 to 2 files! The extra polishing, alignment, etc were absolutely down to NONE, when I applied Bootstrap class and mark-up properly.

And 90% of my jQueryUI features (dialog, tab, etc) are now replaced by Bootstrap.

In jQuery, I need to do some init when document ready; But in Bootstrap, everything works like magic when I wrote my mark-up and attribute properly. I liked jQuery, but Bootstrap is even better. Only downsize is Bootstrap module doesn't have a very comprehensive (and well-namespaced) API than jQuery.

I haven't used HTML5BoilerPlate, but I guessed you still have to right lots of stylesheet on it to make your web looks nice.

Go for Bootstrap. It's so easy to learn, and so powerful it is! You will never regret.