How do I find out what keystore my JVM is using?

I need to import a certificate into my JVM keystore. I am using the following:

keytool -import -alias daldap -file somecert.cer

so I would need to probably change my call into something like:

keytool -import -alias daldap -file somecert.cer -keystore cacerts –storepass changeit

Your keystore will be in your JAVA_HOME---> JRE -->lib---> security--> cacerts. You need to check where your JAVA_HOME is configured, possibly one of these places,

  1. Computer--->Advanced --> Environment variables---> JAVA_HOME

  2. Your server startup batch files.

In your import command -keystore cacerts (give full path to the above JRE here instead of just saying cacerts).

Keystore Location

Each keytool command has a -keystore option for specifying the name and location of the persistent keystore file for the keystore managed by keytool. The keystore is by default stored in a file named .keystore in the user's home directory, as determined by the "user.home" system property. Given user name uName, the "user.home" property value defaults to

C:\Users\uName on Windows 7 systems
C:\Winnt\Profiles\uName on multi-user Windows NT systems
C:\Windows\Profiles\uName on multi-user Windows 95 systems
C:\Windows on single-user Windows 95 systems

Thus, if the user name is "cathy", "user.home" defaults to

C:\Users\cathy on Windows 7 systems
C:\Winnt\Profiles\cathy on multi-user Windows NT systems
C:\Windows\Profiles\cathy on multi-user Windows 95 systems

Mac OS X 10.12 with Java 1.8:




From there it's in:


I have a cacerts keystore in there.

To specify this as a VM option:

I'm not saying this is the correct way (Why doesn't java know to look within JAVA_HOME?), but this is what I had to do to get it working.

You can find it in your "Home" directory:

On Windows 7:


On Linux (Ubuntu):
