How do I install bitnami Wordpress?

How do I install Bitnami Wordpress after downloading it?

I was a Windows User, and installing the Wordpress installer on Xampp is easy, just double click the installer and next until finished.

The Bitnami Wordpress Linux Installer is pretty much plug-and-play (depending on how you do it).

If you're installing from your bare OS, all you need to do is grab the install runfile from the download site and then do the following:

  1. Open a terminal with Ctrl+Alt+T
  2. Type cd Downloads and hit Enter.
  3. Find the filename for the install file (at the time of writing, For all steps below, I will be assuming the filename is Change this accordingly.
  4. Run the following command to start the install process:

    chmod +x && ./
  5. If the installer asks for root permission, run the following command instead (if needed):

    sudo ./

Alternatively, I would personally recommend you use the Docker setup for Bitnami Wordpress. How to is much simpler:

  1. Install Docker and Docker Compose, and run sudo apt install curl.
  2. Make a folder or similar to store the config file for Bitnami Wordpress. I personally would recommend Bitnami-WP in your home folder.
  3. cd to the folder where you want the configs to go.
  4. Run these commands:

    curl -LO
    docker-compose up

Whenever you are done, just cd back to wherever the compose file exists, and run docker-compose down to shut down the install.