White border after resuming Ubuntu [duplicate]

I had pretty much the same problem as you, and presumably at the same time (around the 20 or 21st - around 7 days ago), i started getting exactly the same artifacts - though not on chrome, just everything else. If my memory serves, this may be because chrome wrote its own window decorations and I do wonder if that has to do with why its not effected the same.

Im running a similar (but not identical) config, 960M gpu, same CPU. What worked for me was similar to the first post you refer to but used the 370 drivers:

nvidia 370

After sudo apt-add-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa

I also found reverting to the Nouveau drivers worked.

I dont think its the best solution ever (I dont like pulling drivers from ppa's for my graphics, but it surfices until the nvidia driver is fixed)

Interesting to note that the same set of updates also broke dns for me. The dnsmasq that network manager runs wasnt surviving suspend/resume either (removing that from network manager has solved the issue, but I dont exactly like that as a fix)

This thread (Strange artifacts along window borders after waking computer from sleep mode) has been updated to suggest installing nvidia-381. Working great for me so far ...