Similar to jQuery .closest() but traversing descendants?

Is there a function similar to jQuery .closest() but for traversing descendants and returning only closest ones?

I know that there is .find() function, but it returns all possible matches, not closest.


Here is definition of closest (at least for me):

In first place all childrens are traversed, then each individuals childrens are traversed.

In example given below id='2' is closest .closest descendants of id="find-my-closest-descendant"

<div id="find-my-closest-descendant">
        <div class="closest" Id='1'></div>
    <div class="closest" Id='2'></div>

Please see JSfiddle link.

If by "closest" descendant you mean the first child then you can do:




Or, to look for the first occurrence of a specific element, you could do:




Really though, we need a solid definition of what "closest descendant" means.


<div id="foo">

Which <span> would $('#foo').closestDescendent('span') return?

According to your definition of closest, I've written the following plugin:

(function($) {
    $.fn.closest_descendent = function(filter) {
        var $found = $(),
            $currentSet = this; // Current place
        while ($currentSet.length) {
            $found = $currentSet.filter(filter);
            if ($found.length) break;  // At least one match: break loop
            // Get all children of the current set
            $currentSet = $currentSet.children();
        return $found.first(); // Return first match of the collection