How to configure Thunderbird Quick Filter toolbar shortcut

Solution 1:

Update for Thunderbird 78 - the previously mentioned KeyConfig is not longer maintained - it stopped working well before TB 68.

Newer addon, tbkeys (specifically tbkeys-lite) which does much of the same thing, perhaps more. I use it now, having previously used KeyConfig.

Specific settings to accomplish the OP's request (and a few more):

    "/":            "cmd:cmd_showQuickFilterBar",
    "meta+f":       "cmd:cmd_showQuickFilterBar",
    "meta+ctrl+f":  "cmd:cmd_toggleQuickFilterBar",
    "meta+shift+f": "cmd:cmd_find",
    "ctrl+s":       "cmd:cmd_find",
    "meta+shift+s": "cmd:cmd_search",

GitRepo: TBKeys

Solution 2:

The two steps are necessary.

  1. Download and install Thunderbird extension Keyconfig
  2. Go to Addons, closk on Options near keyconfig addon and Add new key, name it Quick Filters, in command window put goDoCommand('cmd_showQuickFilterBar') and assign keyboard shortcut, for example Q.

That's it. Alternatively you can put command: cmd_popQuickFilterBarStack - to open Quick filter and clear any contents if there was, or even cmd_toggleQuickFilterBar which is self explanatory.