Solution 1:

Found out by adding this to your url parameters



Use access_type=offline&prompt=consent instead.

approval_prompt=force no longer works

Solution 2:

If I may expand on user987361's answer:

From the offline access portion of the OAuth2.0 docs:

When your application receives a refresh token, it is important to store that refresh token for future use. If your application loses the refresh token, it will have to re-prompt the user for consent before obtaining another refresh token. If you need to re-prompt the user for consent, include the approval_prompt parameter in the authorization code request, and set the value to force.

So, when you have already granted access, subsequent requests for a grant_type of authorization_code will not return the refresh_token, even if access_type was set to offline in the query string of the consent page.

As stated in the quote above, in order to obtain a new refresh_token after already receiving one, you will need to send your user back through the prompt, which you can do by setting approval_prompt to force.


PS This change was announced in a blog post as well.