trying to get brother all in one to output PDF files

Solution 1:

This issue originates from the fact that scanimage is supposed to only capture single page from the scanner. For scanning multiple pages, there's a scanadf (ADF - automatic document feeder) utility.

The program provided by you, adapted to use scanadf:

#! /bin/sh
set +o noclobber
# $1 = scanner device
# $2 = friendly name

# 100,200,300,400,600
mkdir -p ~/brscan
if [ "`which usleep 2>/dev/null `" != '' ];then
usleep 100000
sleep 0.1
output_file=~/brscan/brscan_"`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S`"".pnm"
#echo "scan from $2($device) to $output_file"
scanadf --device-name "$device" --resolution $resolution -o "$output_file"_%04d 2>/dev/null
convert -page A4 -density 100 $output_file* "$output_file"".pdf" 2>/dev/null
echo $output_file is created.

I introduced following changes:

  • changed scanimage to scanadf,
  • added argument -o "$output_file"_%04d - this will saved scanned pages to files with of format "brscan_CURRENT_DATE.pnm_NUMBER", with number from 1 to how many pages you scan,
  • added convert program, that will convert and combine scanned files into single PDF file the script from Brother does not do that by default

convert requires having ImageMagick - a free image manipulation software to be installed on your computer to work. Moreover, convert requires additional configuration to allow operations on PDF files, see for more information on that topic.

This solution is based on notes provided on Brother's support page (