DHCP on-the-fly block assignment

We have a large number of clients who connect to our DHCP machine. We want to assign some of them to a different IP block, which is routed with lower priority. Every DHCP lease renewal, we'd like to check a database and decide which IP block we'd like to assign a customer to.

Is there a way to have a DHCP server execute a script, look in a database, or execute some dynamic code when deciding which address to assign in which pool? Each client is uniquely identified by option82, aka "DHCP Relay Agent Information Option".

Solution 1:

Ideally, you'd modify dhcpd to support address assignment based on Option82, equivalent to the "hardware" lines in host objects. I've done it with the OpenBSD dhcpd when I worked at an ISP, which has a simpler internal structure to isc-dhcpd.

If you're not in a position to do that, then look at omapi(3) and omshell(1); you'd use OMAPI to dynamically create "class" and "pool" objects, to implement Zypher's suggestion. I just checked dhcpd.h and the class struct has an OMAPI_OBJECT_PREAMBLE, so this should be possible. Beware that the documentation on OMAPI can be a little ... skimpy.

Solution 2:

So i havn't done this with option 82, but your best bet would be to use classing in isc dhcpd.

What you would do is setup a class like:

class "userclass1" { 
    match if substring(option agent.circuit-id, 2, 2) = "<your_id1>";
class "userclass2" { 
    match if substring(option agent.circuit-id, 2, 2) = "<your_id2>";

Then in your pool statement:

pool {
  allow members of "userclass1";
pool {
   allow members of "userclass2";

Reference: dhcpd.conf

This should at least get you on the right track, i don't have my play server up to test it, but i've done something similar with other options.

Solution 3:

Maybe you can start from here:


Never used, but with a bit of scripting I think it could work.


man omshell(1) would give some other examples