FreeBSD: Directory called ^C (really!) - how to remove?

Solution 1:

^V (ctrl+v) works as a kind of escape sequence for the next key-press, inserting the associated value instead of taking whatever action that would normally be associated.

Making use of this, ^V^C (ctrl+v, ctrl+c) ought to work for entering your difficult filename in the terminal.

Solution 2:

You may also remove the file by inode:

$ ls -i1
290742 foo
293246 ^C
$ find . -inum 293246 -delete

Whatever you do, for God's sake, do not put -delete before -inum:

$ touch foo bar baz quux
$ find . -name '*u*' -delete
$ ls
bar baz foo
$ find . -delete -name 'b*'
find: `./baz': No such file or directory
find: `./bar': No such file or directory
$ ls

Congratulations, you just wiped out all your files. With find, argument order matters!