Ubuntu Desktop folders, icons, and files are not visible

I am using ubuntu 16.10. When I create any folder in the desktop the icon is invisible. I know the folder has been created because it is visible in nautilus or from the terminal. Same issue when trying to copy icons or files to the desktop. My desktop is just blank.

I tried tweak tool>Desktop Icons. It is ON.

Login screen combo Ctrl + Alt + F1 enter username and password then run the following commands:

sudo apt-get install dconf-tools

DISPLAY=:0 dconf reset -f /org/compiz/

unity --reset-icons

setsid unity

and finally reboot

What worked for me is to open the Desktop in Nautilus and just select everything in there and drag it out onto my actual Desktop. After this, the files shown under Desktop in Nautilus and those visible on your Desktop are in sync again and all actions are applied to both of them.