Solution 1:

Well, as an applied math student, I also love Russian books so much. I found most Russian mathematicians are also interested in writing books, so it may be convenient to search by the authors.

Here are some that I know: Geometry: S.P.Novikov (as you mentioned), Fomenko (he has many books, including a book on "geometric intuition" and a nice textbook, with Mischenko).

Mechanics: V.I.Arnold (many books, including the wonderful GTM64), Sedov (expert on fluid mechanics, book on continuum mechanics and dimensional analysis), Zorich (has a famous book on mathematical analysis) wrote a book named "Mathematical Analysis of Problems in the Natural Sciences". Landau (10 vol. on physics)

Analysis: for example, Kolmogolov and Fomin's book on functional analysis

Solution 2:

There's also an interesting three-volume book called "Mathematics - Its Content, Methods, and Meaning" written by Aleksandrov, Kolmogorov, and others. Originally written in the 50s and translated into English (MIT Press) in the 60s.

Solution 3:

Here's a reference of references: I'd also recommend A Primer of Infinitesimal Analysis (J L Bell); it's intuitive but not Russian.