How can I find out what went wrong with a failed Windows update?

Solution 1:

You have a couple of options for viewing what went wrong or finding out why your updates are failing. You can try using the update troubleshooting tool provided by Microsoft, or you can try the following if you're on Windows 8.

  • Swipe from the right side of your screen left or move your mouse to the bottom right of your screen and then up to bring up the task bar. On the task bar, click settings.
  • Click 'Change PC Settings'
  • Click 'Update and Recovery'
  • Click 'View Your Update History'

That will let you view the error code for why your update failed, which you can then research for how to fix.

Another possible avenue of finding out what is going wrong with your updates is using the %windir%\windowsupdate.log file referenced in this Microsoft KB. This log file contains a plethora of information about updates that are happening through Windows Update on your computer, so you'll likely be able to find information about what's going wrong, including exit codes and whatnot.

Solution 2:

Type "windows update" into the start menu search box. When the Windows Update window appears click on "View update history". You can then click on any failed updates and then you should see a link "Get help with this error".

Solution 3:

According to the log files, installing an updated driver fails because of a configuration error:

2015-03-22 07:07:49, Info                  CBS            STAGE index: 0, phase: 1, result 1009, inf: wdma_bt.inf
2015-03-22 07:07:49, Info                  CBS    Doqe: Recording result: 0x800703f1, for Inf: wdma_bt.inf
2015-03-22 07:07:49, Info                  CBS    DriverUpdateStageUpdates failed [HRESULT = 0x800703f1 - ERROR_BADDB]
2015-03-22 07:07:49, Error                 CBS    Doqe: Failed staging driver updates [HRESULT = 0x800703f1 - ERROR_BADDB]

C:\Users\André>err 0x800703f1
# as an HRESULT: Severity: FAILURE (1), FACILITY_WIN32 (0x7), Code 0x3f1
# for hex 0x3f1 / decimal 1009
  ERROR_BADDB                                                    winerror.h
# The configuration registry database is corrupt.
# 1 matches found for "0x800703f1"

This seams to be hard to debug. Try to do an Inplace- Upgrade to repair Windows:

  • Insert a Windows DVD or mount a Windows ISO, while running Windows.
  • run setup.exe and select Upgrade.