Where are the savegames located in x-com enemy unknown?

Solution 1:

On windows 7, they are in Documents\My Games\XCOM - Enemy Unknown\XComGame\SaveData

Note that this applies to the steam install. According to helpful comments, it's the location is the same for the retail version (and retail purchases apparently just provide steam keys).

Solution 2:

On MacOS, the Steam edition saves its games to ~/Library/Application Support/Feral Interactive/XCOM Enemy Unknown/SaveData/. I suspect the non-Steam version is the same (aka Elite Edition, Mac AppStore). Details from this blog post. The Steam edition also has Steam Cloud synchronization, but I have not verified that it's working.

XCOM Enemy Within saves its games in ~/Library/Application Support/Feral Interactive/XCOM Enemy Unknown/XEW/SaveData.

Solution 3:

As mentioned here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/200510/discussions/0/522730699423954666/

Here is the location of the save game for Linux

~/.local/share/feral-interactive/XCOM/ for Enemy Unknown and

~/.local/share/feral-interactive/XCOM/XEW/ for Enemy Within

Saves are in the savedata/ folder in XCOM/ or XCOM/XEW/.

Hope this helps some future googlers!