I can't enable the Meltdown/Spectre mitigations in Windows Server 2008 R2

Firstly the above output is saying that the required windows patch has not been installed:

Speculation control settings for CVE-2017-5715 [branch target injection]

Windows OS support for branch target injection mitigation is present: False


Speculation control settings for CVE-2017-5754 [rogue data cache load]

Windows OS support for kernel VA shadow is present: False

Is your AV preventing it? - see here

Secondly CVE-2017-5715 will also require a CPU Microcode update which means a BIOS update when/if it becomes available. Intel have apparently released the code but it's down to OEMs to provide updated BIOS's that incorporate it and that may take a while.

All you can do right now is install the Windows patch. Once the correct patch is installed you should be covered for Meltdown but will still need a subsequent BIOS update to fully cover off Spectre.

FYI here is the output for my (patched) windows 10 system:

Speculation control settings for CVE-2017-5715 [branch target injection]

Hardware support for branch target injection mitigation is present: False
Windows OS support for branch target injection mitigation is present: True
Windows OS support for branch target injection mitigation is enabled: False
Windows OS support for branch target injection mitigation is disabled by system policy: False
Windows OS support for branch target injection mitigation is disabled by absence of hardware support: True

Speculation control settings for CVE-2017-5754 [rogue data cache load]

Hardware requires kernel VA shadowing: False

You will note that for CVE-2017-5715 it shows that the patch is installed but not enabled due to "absence of hardware support" i.e. the microcode update.

You will also note that for CVE-2017-5754 it simply says that it's not required - this is because I'm running on an AMD CPU.

As for your side note, I can't say for sure without testing but if you look closely, for disable the FeatureSettingsOverride key is being set to 3, not 0 as is required to enable it so I assume that you need the same mask for both but either a 0 (enable) or 3 (disable) for the FeatureSettingsOverride key.

CVE-2017-5715 looks right to me in the absence of a firmware update however CVE-2017-5754 is now showing as installed but disabled. Have you checked what the enabler registry keys are set to?

I've also just noted that CVE-2017-5715 is also showing as disabled by system policy as well as by absence of hardware support which also suggests the registry settings are wrong.

There are 3 registry keys, not two. See here:


You're missing this one:

reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Virtualization" /v MinVmVersionForCpuBasedMitigations /t REG_SZ /d "1.0" /f