Console-based markdown reader

I am working on a remote server that only has a terminal support. There are certain markdown files that I would like to read. However, as I don't have a GUI support, I am in need of a markdown reader/ something similar. The server has lynx installed. So, even if you can suggest some extension to lynx, it will work!

You can think of converting it to html with some tool like pandoc, then read the html with lynx. For eg, with pandoc:

pandoc | lynx -stdin

This is old but for future googlers: I had the same problem and ended up adding this to ~/.bash_aliases:

function mdread {
    pandoc "$1" -f markdown -t html | lynx -stdin

Then simply do mdread, and it will open in lynx. This is possibly not optimal but a lot better than just looking at the source. You'll need pandoc and lynx of course.

I wrote a lightweight terminal markdown viewer in python, for CLI or as lib:

It supports e.g. tables, admonitions and tons of color themes.