Anti-virus live CD [closed]
Solution 1:
the Ultimate Boot CD is probably as close as it gets:
UBCD includes a variety of Linux boot disks (amongst them Trinux, based on ubuntu/debian), Anti Virus (F-Prot, McAfee, BugHunter), a gazillion of Disk Tools, the Offline NT Password & Registry Editor, and a lot more utilities ... no window manager though (text based menu).
you can easily create a bootable USB stick with UBCD, a script to do this automatically is included in UBCD
Solution 2:
Alternately you can get most of that in the Linux-based Avira AntiVir Rescue System. Mostly its file recovery and AV tools.
Solution 3:
Its not a Linux disk, but you could always build a custom BartPE disk. It would give you a Windows-like environment with whatever tools you opted to build into it.