Is there any SCP program available for Ubuntu that does not require SFTP on a remote host?

Solution 1:

Update : The problem here is that openwrt does not support linux clients without installing the sftp server.


openwrt has no intention of resolving this, see

So, from the first link, the solution , server side, is to install openssh-sftp-server

opkg update
opkg install openssh-sftp-server

You can then use any number of graphical clients or sshfs - see What is a program similar to WinSCP? and What is a program similar to WinSCP?

Alternate is to use winscp with wine

sudo apt-get install wine
wine winscp.exe

Solution 2:

FAR Manager for Linux recently got support of SCP. Currently it has bugs but you may try.

To install from PPA

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:far2l-team/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install far2l

Then press Alt+F2 (you may need to disable "Run Application" hotkey). Select NetRocks and press Shift+F4 to create a new connection config.