npm install without ssl

Try changing the registry to the http version rather that the default https one using the command

npm config set registry

As conlinf said, the following should work :

npm config set registry

Now, to add my word, you should also consider that downloading without ssl allows a man-in-the-middle attack. It is only to add a warning to people who would read the post.

If you are a solo developer there should be not much trouble downloading in http directly, but if I wanted to attack a company using node.js I would consider delivering malicious code through npm... And performing such an attack without ssl will be much easier.

After much trial and error I found that in addition to all that was said above, I also need to set the https-proxy to the value of the http proxy.

So the end .npmrc file looks like

proxy=http://username:[email protected]:port/
https-proxy=http://username:[email protected]:port/

Note that proxy and https-proxy are identical!

See the comments on this thread for more info:

Also I ran a npm cache clean --force after updating the npmrc for good measure but I am not sure if it is required.

Hope that helps.

changing ssl-strict worked for me behind a corporate firewall

npm config set ssl-strict=false