How can I safely explore far away from my spawn point?

I originally built a nice fortification just up the hill from my spawn point for convenience (yes, I do die every once in a while), but now that I've used efficient mining to clear out a good chunk of the adminite-level directly below I need to move to a new base so I can start fresh. This means surface exploration!

Basing myself somewhere far away from my spawn point seems pretty dangerous. It could easily take me five minutes to walk back to a remote base/death if I was far enough away - that is, if I could find it. Even longer if it is dark out when I respawn.

How can I explore the surface safely? This may include keeping track of my location, speed of travel and, of course, maximizing awesome scenery.

Solution 1:

Well, you could build a minecart system to go to/from your spawn to wherever you want to go. It could get expensive in powered rails though.

Or you could mark the way using torches, large structures, or (if you have a lot of diamond to spare) beacons. Make heavy use of signs.

If you do get lost exploring, building a compass will point you back to your original spawn point.

By far the easiest way is to use portals though, go to the Nether, erect another portal a short distance away, and you will be hundreds of blocks from your original spawn point!

Solution 2:

I keep my bearings by constructing lookout posts. Build them atop hills and within sight of each other. Make each look unique, perhaps by inserting rows of a different block to the rest of the tower. Place torches at the top, and ladders all the way up.

Build a defensible hut around the base of the lookout tower. This hut doubles as a lodge for staying the night far from home base. Place a door from the outside. Monsters can climb ladders, but cannot open doors. You can expand your hut by digging downward into the ground.

You can build roads out of spare cobblestone. This is more cost-effective than minecart tracks.

Solution 3:

When I explore, I make sure that I move in a straight line in a cardinal direction on my first trip. I make markers as I go with cobblestone and torches indicating the direction of home. As long as you can keep some kind of marker in sight, you will have no problem finding your way back home.

Mine cart tracks can be expensive to build, but a cobblestone road is cheap and quick. If you plan on making the trip often, it can be a very useful investment. It's not as fast to travel from one side to the other, but at least you'll know where you're going. I have all the major points in my world connected by these roads.

And, of course, if you just want to live dangerously, build a compass on your way out. Then, as you're heading back, if the spot you found was interesting, build landmarks on the way back so you can find your way there again. I always bring at least a full stack of dirt and cobblestone with me everywhere I go just in case I find something interesting I want to look into later.