I try to burn a bootable dvd for linux mint mate 17.1.

I tried 3 tools:

  • Braseo (ubuntu/mint)
  • windows disk image burner (win7)
  • Nero (a tool for windows)

Only the image burned by Nero succeed to boot linux mint mate from dvd. The other 2 solution can't find something when try booting from dvd.

My question is:

Is there a tool on linux (ubuntu/mint) could do this task similar as Nero on windows?

I can name a few programs used to burn bootables. If you are trying to burn a Windows Bootable, honestly, good luck because it is hell.

In Linux distros, the most popular 'dd' command can be used in almost 100% of cases for example: sudo dd status=progress if=/path/to/image/file/iso/img/etc of=/dev/sr0. sr0 being the dev path to the cd-rom containing the blank disk. for a flash drive (recommended 4GB since 99% image files don't exceed 4GB), instead of 'sr0', it would be sdx, x appointing the correct dev path to the flash drive. Example: sda, sdb, sdc, sdd, sde, sdf. NEVER use sda as it is the first internal HDD. have fun.

for Windows, use Rufus. Point blank.

for MacOS, you can also use the 'dd' command.

for programs of linux: 1. Etcher is mine and most's perferance. 2. dd command