Run Google Chrome in full screen with dev console across dual-monitors

Solution 1:

Doesn't work as the implementation of Fullscreen-scaling in OSX (10.7, 10.8) currently only covers single-windows. Either Chrome provides its own implementation which could in fact display two windows over two displays, or - let's cross fingers - Apple implements this somewhere around 10.9 :)

Solution 2:

I have (finally!) gotten this to work reliably in Chrome Version 28.0.1500.95 and OSX 10.8.4. Previously, I would only sometimes be able to get things to work in the way Matthew Helfgott described. Other times, the dev tools would just jump to its own full screen space. Here's how I got it to work every time:

  1. Try Matthew Helfgott's suggestion. If it works, throw a party.
  2. If your devtools move to their own full-screen space, take them out of full screen mode. It should drop it on one of your non-full-screen spaces.
  3. Once you have the dev tools in a normal (non-full-screen) space, move it to the monitor you want it to stick to (not the monitor chrome will be on).
  4. Click the "Dock to main window" button in the lower left to bring it back to chrome.
  5. Click that button again to undock it. It should now move to the monitor you previously chose, but stay in chrome's full-screen space.

If these instructions aren't clear enough, let me know and I can add screenshots.

Solution 3:

So, I tend to use Chrome for JavaScript app development, but since around version 15/17 (or there about), its not been possible to open the debugger console in a separate window in a two monitor development environment. Thing is, if you open Safari 6.0.4 (and maybe earlier) and you show the developer console, there is an option to 'detach into separate window' by clicking the multi-monitor icon beside the close button to the left of the console. The fault here seems to be Google IMHO. Don't know what happened and have filed a bug about it but will add if I do. Hope that helps a little.... otherwise, if you're committed to Chrome and not concentrating on user experience, you can dock the console to the right hand side of the page you are looking at. That way you get a potentially buggy DOM, but at least you can inspect your code on a running page. Ok. In fact that sucks, but it might help until Google get it sorted out.