Run multiple gui programs from terminal without disowning them

I made a very simple (but useful for me) bash script. All it does is just opening some applications that I was opening manually. Here is the code:

netbeans &
mysql-workbench &
opera &
chromium-browser &

Now when I close the terminal the applications opened by the script keep running. Which is normal, that is what the "&" is there for.

My question is: Is there a way to still run those applications automatically but also close them automatically? If they were still attached to the terminal they would close, but when I remove the ampersand it only runs the first application.


These two functions can be used from your .bashrc file to launch and close them, simply call them with lapp and kapp:

     netbeans &
     mysql-workbench &
     opera &
     chromium-browser &

kapp() {
    pkill 'netbeans|mysql-workbench|opera|chromium-browser'


kapp() {
    killall 'netbeans|mysql-workbench|opera|chromium-browser'


  • remember to run source .bashrc after adding these functions

(source: man pkill)

You'll have to source the script so that these commands are executed in your current shell, instead of in the forked-off shell started for the script:

. ./

Then, these background processes will be part of your shell's job control.

It might be easier to use a function. In your bashrc, for example, add:

foo () {
    netbeans &
    mysql-workbench &
    opera &
    chromium-browser &

Then, when you run foo from bash, it will run the commands in your current shell.