How to spawn parallel child processes on a multi-processor system?
I have a Python script that I want to use as a controller to another Python script. I have a server with 64 processors, so want to spawn up to 64 child processes of this second Python script. The child script is called:
$ python --name=NAME
where NAME is something like XYZ, ABC, NYU etc.
In my parent controller script I retrieve the name variable from a list:
my_list = [ 'XYZ', 'ABC', 'NYU' ]
So my question is, what is the best way to spawn off these processes as children? I want to limit the number of children to 64 at a time, so need to track the status (if the child process has finished or not) so I can efficiently keep the whole generation running.
I looked into using the subprocess package, but rejected it because it only spawns one child at a time. I finally found the multiprocessor package, but I admit to being overwhelmed by the whole threads vs. subprocesses documentation.
Right now, my script uses
to only spawn one child at a time and looks like this:
import subprocess, multiprocessing, Queue
from multiprocessing import Process
my_list = [ 'XYZ', 'ABC', 'NYU' ]
if __name__ == '__main__':
processors = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
for i in range(len(my_list)):
if( i < processors ):
cmd = ["python", "/path/to/", "--name="+ my_list[i]]
child = cmd, shell=False )
I really want it to spawn up 64 children at a time. In other stackoverflow questions I saw people using Queue, but it seems like that creates a performance hit?
Solution 1:
What you are looking for is the process pool class in multiprocessing.
import multiprocessing
import subprocess
def work(cmd):
return, shell=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
count = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=count)
print, ['ls'] * count)
And here is a calculation example to make it easier to understand. The following will divide 10000 tasks on N processes where N is the cpu count. Note that I'm passing None as the number of processes. This will cause the Pool class to use cpu_count for the number of processes (reference)
import multiprocessing
import subprocess
def calculate(value):
return value * 10
if __name__ == '__main__':
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(None)
tasks = range(10000)
results = []
r = pool.map_async(calculate, tasks, callback=results.append)
r.wait() # Wait on the results
print results
Solution 2:
Here is the solution I came up, based on Nadia and Jim's comments. I am not sure if it is the best way, but it works. The original child script being called needs to be a shell script because I need to use some 3rd party apps including Matlab. So I had to take it out of Python and code it in bash.
import sys
import os
import multiprocessing
import subprocess
def work(staname):
print 'Processing station:',staname
print 'Parent process:', os.getppid()
print 'Process id:', os.getpid()
cmd = [ "/bin/bash" "/path/to/executable/","--name=%s" % (staname) ]
return, shell=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
my_list = [ 'XYZ', 'ABC', 'NYU' ]
print my_list
# Get the number of processors available
num_processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
threads = []
len_stas = len(my_list)
print "+++ Number of stations to process: %s" % (len_stas)
# run until all the threads are done, and there is no data left
for list_item in my_list:
# if we aren't using all the processors AND there is still data left to
# compute, then spawn another thread
if( len(threads) < num_processes ):
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=work,args=[list_item])
print p, p.is_alive()
for thread in threads:
if not thread.is_alive():
Does this seem like a reasonable solution? I tried to use Jim's while loop format, but my script just returned nothing. I am not sure why that would be. Here is the output when I run the script with Jim's 'while' loop replacing the 'for' loop:
['ABC', 'NYU', 'XYZ']
Number of processes: 64
+++ Number of stations to process: 3
When I run it with the 'for' loop, I get something more meaningful:
['ABC', 'NYU', 'XYZ']
Number of processes: 64
+++ Number of stations to process: 3
Processing station: ABC
Parent process: 1056
Process id: 1068
Processing station: NYU
Parent process: 1056
Process id: 1069
Processing station: XYZ
Parent process: 1056
Process id: 1071
So this works, and I am happy. However, I still don't get why I can't use Jim's 'while' style loop instead of the 'for' loop I am using. Thanks for all the help - I am impressed with the breadth of knowledge @ stackoverflow.