How do I access SmartCtl on Windows 7?

I've got an SSD that may be going bad. A SU answer suggested using Smartctl but I don't know how to access that. (It's not available on the command line)

Solution 1:

Its not part of the default windows install. Its a third party software that's meant for linux, though there's a windows port.

I prefer gsmartctl, which is a nice little graphical front end for it which includes a windows port. There's a few others mentioned which may work on the smartmontools page as well.

However you're almost certainly better off using tools for the specific SSD in question - many manufacturers include tools that let you do things like manage free space and diagnostics - My samsung uses magician, but your exact tool would vary.

Solution 2:

After installation or booting from a Live-CD, you can read smartmontools man pages and try out the commands:

man smartd.conf man smartctl man smartd sudo /usr/sbin/smartctl -s on -o on -S on /dev/sda sudo /usr/sbin/smartctl -x /dev/sda