Chrome youtube doesn't play/Twitch plays with no sound

I have OS X Yosemite, Chrome version 40.0.2214.115 (64-bit)

When I open youtube video it loads but I can't play the video. I didn't download any extensions before youtube stopped working correctly (but still there could be an update on extensions currently active which I didn't notice).

  • On safari video plays perfect
  • Pasting URL on infinitelooper allows me to play the video.
  • Incognito mode doesn't play either.
  • Chrome flags "Disable hardware-accelerated video decode" is in unavailable experiments.

Tried twitch, it plays but with no sound (both in incognito mode and normal). Safari plays fine.
Vimeo doesn't play either.

Chrome - Settings - Advance Settings - Use hardware acceleration when available - deselect it.

You may have to restart the browser.