System freeze after suspend

Solution 1:

I have a 4.19 kernel and Nvidia driver version 390. I changed gdm to lightdm.

sudo apt install lightdm

Problem is solved now.

Solution 2:

After using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS for a few days and everything was OK, I started to experience this freeze on suspend/sleep. I reinstalled the lightdm display manager and the problem didn't go away. I had similar logs to yours, but no hard errors.

What solved the problem for me was changing the default video driver to the NVidia one.

This is located in Settings -> Software & Updates -> Additional Drivers

There I had the following option selected.

'Using X server - Nouveau display driver...'

After changing it to:

Using NVidia binary driver ... (proprietary, tested)

Restart and everything is fine since then :)

enter image description here

Solution 3:

I have had the same problem with Ubuntu 20.04 since installing some time ago - freezing on going into suspend - could only be dealt with by holding down the power-button for some six seconds or so. Tried all manner of suggestions - including those given above - but nothing worked, UNTIL I used the "Software & Updates" app to upgrade and, Hey Presto, all fixed!

Hope it works for you too.