Adding attributes to an XML node

Well id isn't really the root node: Login is.

It should just be a case of specifying the attributes (not tags, btw) using XmlElement.SetAttribute. You haven't specified how you're creating the file though - whether you're using XmlWriter, the DOM, or any other XML API.

If you could give an example of the code you've got which isn't working, that would help a lot. In the meantime, here's some code which creates the file you described:

using System;
using System.Xml;

class Test
    static void Main()
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
        XmlElement root = doc.CreateElement("Login");
        XmlElement id = doc.CreateElement("id");
        id.SetAttribute("userName", "Tushar");
        id.SetAttribute("passWord", "Tushar");
        XmlElement name = doc.CreateElement("Name");
        name.InnerText = "Tushar";
        XmlElement age = doc.CreateElement("Age");
        age.InnerText = "24";



There is also a way to add an attribute to an XmlNode object, that can be useful in some cases.

I found this other method on

using System.Xml;


//Assuming you have an XmlNode called node
XmlNode node;


//Get the document object
XmlDocument doc = node.OwnerDocument;

//Create a new attribute
XmlAttribute attr = doc.CreateAttribute("attributeName");
attr.Value = "valueOfTheAttribute";

//Add the attribute to the node     
