Cursor stuttering: "IOHIDSystem cursor update overdue. Resending."

My 2011 iMac running Lion recently developed a new problem; the mouse cursor stutters. At random intervals when I move the mouse it lags, then jumps, like it missed a couple of frames. Ordinarily I'd blame my wireless mouse or system load or something, but the Console has this very useful note in it:

4/8/13 11:25:28.000 AM kernel: IOHIDSystem cursor update overdue. Resending.
4/8/13 11:25:28.000 AM kernel: IOHIDSystem cursor update overdue. Resending.
4/8/13 11:25:29.000 AM kernel: IOHIDSystem cursor update overdue. Resending.
4/8/13 11:25:30.000 AM kernel: IOHIDSystem cursor update overdue. Resending.

That suggests to me something is wrong with the rendering system, not the input hardware.

I've done some searches on this error and have found the usual superstitious-user suggestions for fixing the problem but nothing that seems to address how computers actually work. This writeup on StackOverflow is good but the question was closed before any answers came in.

Rebooting fixes the problem. The problem occurs even if the system hasn't been to sleep since a reboot. My system is unloaded, I have fresh batteries and a reliable wireless mouse. Problem also occurs with a wired mouse.

Update some of the research I've done suggests this problem is symptomatic of the kernel being busy and not servicing interrupts fast enough. I don't know how to verify that explanation or find the cause of the kernel problem if there is one.

Solution 1:

This is more of a comment adding data, but I'm not yet permitted to comment, so this will have to do:

I'm seeing this several times a day since getting my imac back from the shop with a new hard disk and Lion install, followed by a time machine restore. I also upgraded the machine to 32G of ram after it came back. When it occurs, the kernel_task in top goes to 95%. The problem goes away after a minute or two without a reboot or other action. There does not seem to be any disk activity, and I've tried replugging most of the USB devices since "IOHID" sounds like a USB thing, though I don't know that is the case. That didn't seem to make a difference however.