Problem to install .NET 4.6 using Wine

Good news: I was able to solve the problem by installing Wine 2.0 using Ricotz's PPA and using its more updated winetricks.

First, remove last installation (in my case it was wine-devel)

sudo apt-get remove --purge wine-devel*
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get autoclean
sudo apt-get clean
sudo apt-get autoremove

Get Ricotz wine 2.0:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ricotz/unstable
sudo apt update
sudo apt install wine2.0

Create other prefix (e.g. : .wine32), set WINEARCH to win32 and run winecfg:

WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine32" WINEARCH=win32 winecfg
"Set Windows 7"

Then run winetricks using the last configurations:

WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine32" WINEARCH=win32 winetricks

Now go Select Default Winetricks -> Install a Windows DLL or components -> dotnet46 and install it.

Wine will download and install dotnet46 and other requirements. Even if asking for Mono, it continues to download more and more requirements until it's able to install .NET 4.6 (there was no need to have Mono for me).