Designing inside a scrollview in xcode 4.2 with storyboards

Solution 1:

In the storyboard select the viewController, then in Attributes inspector change 'size' to 'freeform'. Then change the 'height' of the view/scroll view to as big as you need. The default settings of struts and springs should take care of resizing the view back correctly when the app is run, but you should double check.

Solution 2:

I feel your pain. The only way I found is to manually pan the scroll view in the size inspector to reveal the portion of the view that you wish to visually edit.

Use a UIView to contain elements so they are positioned relatively to this view. Add the view as a subview to the scrollview at 0,0.

  1. pan: use the Y coordinate say to -200, then edit the contents.
  2. to place more contents in the hidden part, pan again to reveal new real-estate
  3. when finished, restore the values of the ScrollView's height and X,Y position.

Make sure the scroll view frame rectangle is smaller than the contained view.

Solution 3:

New: 3/26/2013

I stumbled upon what I think is even simpler way of dealing with UIScrollView directly in storyboard.

  1. No code needed, just storyboard settings. This maybe new in iOS6.1 / Xcode 4.6
  2. No need to disable constraints (i.e. uncheck "Use autolayout" in File Inspector for storyboard file)
  3. No need to add UIScrollView* scrollView; in .h
  4. No need to add self.scrollView.contentSize = ... in overrides of viewWillAppear or viewDidLoad

Here is what I did (important parts highlighted with **): (see code)

  1. Create a new project with storyboard enabled
  2. Drop in a UIScrollView, set class in identity inspector for view controller
  3. In attributes Inspector, change Size under simulated metrics to Freeform**
  4. Select scroll View; In attributes inspector, turn on "scroll enabled" and "background" to "White" (you'll figure out why - if you don't)
  5. Under Size Inspector (with scroll view selected) change the height to 900 for example**
  6. Add buttons, one on top and one at the bottom
  7. Add a default handler for buttonTouchUpInside for both buttons and simply Log sender.

See Code Select the View Controller and scroll view and check inspectors.

Solution 4:

Just change the 'Simulated Size' of the view controller to freeform and set a height that is larger than the usual size, you will be able to see all the outlets you need to edit.