Unable to list new files on a cifs share with ls *

I have an old HP-UX system running version 11.11, it has a cifs mount configured to a netapp filer.

In the past several days we've been seeing some odd behaviour for the share where files can be created & accessed if the full path is used, but wildcard listings are failing. Remounting the share seems to correct this behaviour. A practical example:

cd /path/in/myshare
touch newfile.txt
ls * #finds nothing
ls newfile.txt #finds file
umount /sharepath 
mount -a 
ls * #finds the file

Anyone have any guesses as to what's causing this odd behaviour?

Hmmm, I believe old pointers/soft links were broken or corrupted when the mount was moved, resulting in false pointers.

Remounting would update the paths allowing the wildcards to work properly again.

This problem can occur on Windows clients as well when running a buggy version of SMB2. Force the client to speak SMB3 and see if the problem goes away.

Find you samba configguration

$ sudo vi smb.conf

Change the minimum protocol to SMB3

min protocol = SMB3

NOTE: You might need to update HP-UX, see bulletin:
