Cannot mount NTFS partitions because of Windows 10?

I have a multi-boot computer, one of the partitions is taken by Windows 10 technical preview and another one is also ntfs.

Booting in an Ubuntu-eOS system I get this errors when trying to mount these partitions. How to fix this? Should I uninstall Windows 10? Should I try to fix it from inside Windows, from Ubuntu?

enter image description here

enter image description here

Solution 1:

This happens since Windows 8, when you use the new hybrid shutdown, which is basically a logoff + hibernation. And the hibernation can cause issues, if you now mount the NTFS partition.

You have to do a full shutdown in Windows 10, by pressing the SHIFT key + clicking on shutdown.

Solution 2:

It has to do with Windows 10 Hybrid Shutdown (a.k.a. Fast Boot) feature. See

Short term solution: be sure to select the “Restart” option in Windows instead of the “Shut down” option whenever you want to switch to Linux.

Long term: Permanently Disable Hybrid Boot From Windows, the Power Options Control Panel, and click “Change what the power buttons do”. You may have to click the “Change settings that are currently unavailable” link to enable changing this configuration. Scroll down and uncheck the “Turn on fast start-up (recommended)” option. Click “Save changes” to save your changes.

The next time you shut down Windows, it will perform a full shut down, just like Windows 7 always did.

Solution 3:

Use ntfsfix in the terminal , even if you can't access Windows

sudo ntfsfix /dev/XY //Previous wasn't working for me.

where XY is the partition

e.g sda2 or sdb1

ntfsfix repairs some fundamental NTFS inconsistencies, resets the NTFS journal file and schedules an NTFS consistency check for the first boot into Windows.

Solution 4:

A bit late to this thread, but I thought it worth making these observations:-

  • When Ubuntu Linux (I'm on 16.04LTS) starts, it does not seem to automatically mount non-root partitions. If I try to start Thunderbird, where my TB profile is on a data partition, I'll get an error. The solution is to go into Nautilus, or similar, and click on the data partition, which will mount, provided there are no errors like described in this thread.

  • I'm on dual-boot too. It used to work switching off the Windows Fast-Start (that is, making sure the Windows was properly Shut Down before booting into Linux). That has stopped working recently and I always get an error as described by the original poster.

  • Using Chkdsk /f in Windows does not fix the problem. Ubuntu Linux still gives the same error.

  • I therefore have to start a terminal and run sudo ntfsfix /dev/XY (where XY is the partition e.g sda2 or sdb1) every time I boot to Linux. This fixes the partition and usually throws errors to do with MFT mirrors. No idea why as I've run every diskcheck I can on the partition and it's all fine.

So I would say that NTFSFIX is the answer, but I cannot find why it might be that this problem persists on dual-boot machines, even though Windows is closed down properly. Experience tells me that it will be Windows causing the problem, not Linux, so the only option I'm left with if I want to avoid the NTFSFIX work-around, would be a re-install of Windows 10.