jQuery get input value after keypress

I have the following function:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#dSuggest").keypress(function() {
        var dInput = $('input:text[name=dSuggest]').val();
        $(".dDimension:contains('" + dInput + "')").css("display","block");

For some reason, for the first keypress, I'm getting an empty string to the console log.

Realizing that this is a rather old post, I'll provide an answer anyway as I was struggling with the same problem.

You should use the "input" event instead, and register with the .on method. This is fast - without the lag of keyup and solves the missing latest keypress problem you describe.

$('#dSuggest').on("input", function() {
    var dInput = this.value;
    $(".dDimension:contains('" + dInput + "')").css("display","block");

Demo here

This is because keypress events are fired before the new character is added to the value of the element (so the first keypress event is fired before the first character is added, while the value is still empty). You should use keyup instead, which is fired after the character has been added.

Note that, if your element #dSuggest is the same as input:text[name=dSuggest] you can simplify this code considerably (and if it isn't, having an element with a name that is the same as the id of another element is not a good idea).

$('#dSuggest').keypress(function() {
    var dInput = this.value;
    $(".dDimension:contains('" + dInput + "')").css("display","block");

Use .keyup instead of keypress.

Also use $(this).val() or just this.value to access the current input value.

DEMO here

Info about .keypress from jQuery docs,

The keypress event is sent to an element when the browser registers keyboard input. This is similar to the keydown event, except in the case of key repeats. If the user presses and holds a key, a keydown event is triggered once, but separate keypress events are triggered for each inserted character. In addition, modifier keys (such as Shift) trigger keydown events but not keypress events.

You have to interrupt the execution thread to allow the input to update.

  $(document).ready(function(event) {
       $("#dSuggest").keypress(function() {
           //Interrupt the execution thread to allow input to update
               setTimeout(function() {
                   var dInput = $('input:text[name=dSuggest]').val();
                   $(".dDimension:contains('" + dInput + "')").css("display","block");
               }, 0);