Where is the <conio.h> header file on Linux? Why can't I find <conio.h>? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
How to implement getch() function of C in Linux?

What is the equivalent Linux version of the conio.h header file from MS-DOS?

Is there a way to replace its functionality? e.g. getch()

I'm using gcc and the text editor Geany to compile C code.

Solution 1:

conio.h is a C header file used with old MS-DOS compilers to create text user interfaces. Compilers that target other operating systems, such as Linux-based, 32-bit Windows and OS/2, provide equivalent functionality through other header files and libraries.

The #include <curses.h> will give you almost all of the functionality provided by conio.h.

"ncurses" needs to be installed in the first place.

If you use the Apt package manager:

sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev

If you use rpm:

sudo yum install ncurses-devel ncurses

For getch, take a look at the "NCURSES Programming HOWTO" article.

Solution 2:

The original conio.h was implemented by Borland, so its not a part of the C Standard Library nor is defined by POSIX.

But here is an implementation for Linux that uses ncurses to do the job.

Solution 3:

That is because it does not exist, since it is bounded to Windows.

Use the standard functions from <stdio.h> instead, such as getc

The suggested ncurses library is good if you want to write console-based GUIs, but I don't think it is what you want.