No Flash Player in Chromium on OSX

Few days ago I switched from Firefox to Chromium. I really liked it, but it has one minor issue. I can't make it run flash.

I followed this article, but there is no Flash Player entry on my about:plugins page.

In other browsers (Safari, Firefox, Opera) Flash Player works correctly. I am using OS X 10.10.

try chrome://flags/ and Enable NPAPI

NPAPI will be finished soon. Here is just a knowledge about how to load PPAPI Flash to Chromium for osx.

INSTALL newest flash player (now from adobe. choose osx and chromium, download, and install.

Chromium can't load it as default. SO you have to launch Chromium by Terminal with optional command. Everytime you launch then type following text and hit enter key.

/Applications/ --ppapi-flash-path=/Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/PepperFlashPlayer/PepperFlashPlayer.plugin --ppapi-flash-version=

Your chromium will load newest ppapi flash on OSX level. To confirm, Go to following url by chromium. chrome://plugins

I see it is crazy. I wish it should be loaded automatically as default.

Installing Flash Player on Chromium on a Mac system is easy, follow these instructions:

  1. On chromium, open a new tab and navigate to chrome://flags, goto NPAPI section and enable it.
  2. Download Flash NPAPI
    • Web page
    • direct link
  3. Install Flash player
  4. On Chromium open a new tab and navigate to chrome://plugins, goto the Flash player section, (normally it is enabled - if not, enable it) and tick 'Always allowed to run'
  5. Open a new tab to a web page using Flash and enjoy.

The way I ended up "fixing" it on my installation was by creating a small executable replacing the default in Contents/MacOS. I renamed the Chromium binary Chromium_ and complied the following:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    system("/Applications/ --ppapi-flash-path=/Library/Internet\\ Plug-Ins/PepperFlashPlayer/PepperFlashPlayer.plugin/Contents/MacOS/PepperFlashPlayer --ppapi-flash-version=");
    return 0;

By compiling the code and naming it Chromium, I now simply click the regular Chromium icon to launch the browser with flash. While it works, the executable doesn't persist after updating Chromium via Chromatic. Additionally, every time you update the PPAPI plug, you need to edit and recompile the code. To get around it, I threw together the following on GitHub: It prompts for a version of the PPAPI plugin desired and replaces the binary in Contents/MacOS. Hope this helps!