how to close google chrome and have it save your tabs

When my computer shuts down due to automatic updates and I restart it all the tabs I had open are restored. But when I do Ctrl + Shift + Q all the tabs are lost.

Is there a way to have my tabs saved when I manually close Google Chrome? Or should I just kill every single instance of it in the Task Manager or something?

Solution 1:

In the settings, there is an option that says "Continue where you left off" under "On Startup" option. That should keep your tabs intact when you close and launch chrome every time.

This will work for both the hotkey and manual close.

Solution 2:

On a Mac (MacBook Pro) Use the "command --> Q" shortcut or click on your screen's top-left menu option "Chrome --> Quit Google Chrome" or from your Dock (typically at the bottom of your screen) right-click on the Chrome icon then choose Quit. Any of these will preserve your tabs. That is... if you have already selected the Chrome option to 'Continue Where I Left Off'.

Using the Red 'X' icon at the top-left of your Chrome browser window, to close the browser, will not preserve the tabs.

Solution 3:


You need to select Quit Google Chrome from the dropdown menu and the next time you open up the browser your tabs will be in tact. When you use the hotkeys it doesn't work.

Mac & PC

Go to settings and under On Startup select 'Continue Where I Left Off'