Video lectures of algebraic geometry (Hartshorne, Shafarevich, ... )

I am a commutative algebra student.

Are there any video lectures on algebraic geometry available online for free?

I'd like the lectures to cover main topics of the books like Hartshorne's "Algebraic Geometry" or Shafarevich's book, "Basic Algebraic Geometry."

I want to download, but if it is not for download, or isn't a career, please post it; it may be helpful for others.

I've read "Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms" by Cox, Little and O'Shea and almost 3 chapters of "Algebraic Geometry" of J.S. Milne, but there are gaps.

Thanks a lot

these are not complete answers, but may help someone:
this is not for download. this has 11156's answer and more.
see also here and here and here

One can search here. There are lectures in Russian from Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education. There are videos, notes and exercise sheets.

Have you seen ? It is by Balaji at IIT Madras. It covers : Affine Varieties, Hilbert's Basis Theorem and the Hilbert Nullstellensatz, projective and quasi-projective varieties, morphisms, rational maps and function fields, nonsingularity, smooth varieties (from the syllabus).

Another course of Algebraic Geometry in English by Lothar Göttsche (International Centre for Theoretical Physics) is now available in YouTube (90 min. × 20). (The first video lecture is posted in December 2016.)

As far as I watched, the materials covered in the lecture is almost based on his lecture note.