Program windows won't come to foreground when selected in Windows 8.1

I'm having a problem where I select a window but it won't come to the foreground. This mostly happens with Chrome, but I've also had it happen with folder windows and other programs. Example.

I can fix it for a short while by restarting my computer. At first I thought it was a Chrome problem, so I uninstalled and reinstalled it. However, I'm now noticing it between multiple programs.

Anyone have an idea of what's going on? I was able to find some information about this happening on Windows 7. I tried all of those suggestions I could find (most involved editing a registery value. No luck.

Are you using Synergy?

Update for Microsoft Windows (KB3031432) seems to be the culprit in combination with Synergy...

I was experiencing excactly the same problem since last week. It is most probably caused by Windows update KB3013455.

After uninstalling update KB3013455 in the "Installed Updates" Control panel, the issue disappeared.