Cisco VPN Client - External URL are tracked?

Solution 1:

Based on our discussion, you seem exclusively concerned about local logging from the cisco VPN client, monitoring connections that are not using the VPN.

Cisco does not log IP connection information, except that which pertains to the VPN connection itself, like establishment, maintenance, and disconnection. See here for examples of the logs the VPN client uses:

The statistics you are seeing, are simple interface connection statistics, based on the standard windows interface statistics.

In terms of remote side logging, and bypass, The VPN client intercepts all traffic the host wants to send onto the network, and performs a route lookup on the IP, to determine how to handle it. If split tunneling is disabled, the default gateway for the interface is set to send all traffic to the VPN host network, but if it is enabled, the default gateway remains as it was, sending all traffic to unknown networks out the normal LAN interface, and out your internet connection. That means that other than the Client itself, no other equipment is able to log the URL. if you disable split tunneling and send your internet traffic onto the VPN LAN, at which point, equipment on that LAN might choose to log your connections.