error: request for member '..' in '..' which is of non-class type

Foo foo2();

change to

Foo foo2;

You get the error because compiler thinks of

Foo foo2()

as of function declaration with name 'foo2' and the return type 'Foo'.

But in that case If we change to Foo foo2 , the compiler might show the error " call of overloaded ‘Foo()’ is ambiguous".

Just for the record..

It is actually not a solution to your code, but I had the same error message when incorrectly accessing the method of a class instance pointed to by myPointerToClass, e.g.

MyClass* myPointerToClass = new MyClass();



would obviously be correct.

Parenthesis is not required to instantiate a class object when you don't intend to use a parameterised constructor.

Just use Foo foo2;

It will work.

Adding to the knowledge base, I got the same error for

if(class_iter->num == *int_iter)

Even though the IDE gave me the correct members for class_iter. Obviously, the problem is that "anything"::iterator doesn't have a member called num so I need to dereference it. Which doesn't work like this:

if(*class_iter->num == *int_iter)

...apparently. I eventually solved it with this:

if((*class_iter)->num == *int_iter)

I hope this helps someone who runs across this question the way I did.