How to set system and user-wide umask in OS X Yosemite?

In previous OS X versions we used launchd-user.conf and launchd.conf to set umask values for our client workstations. This does not appear to work in OSX Yosemite.

How to set system and user-wide umask in OS X Yosemite?

Solution 1:

There is a final solution for setting system and user-wide umask in OS X Yosemite 10.10.3:

instead of user-wide /etc/launchctl-user.conf use:

launchctl config user umask 002

(example umask for setting 775 permissions)

instead of system-wide /etc/launchctl.conf use:

launchctl config system umask 002

(example umask for setting 775 permissions)

Apple published the how-to for "Yosemite umask problem" update five days ago (Apr 8, 2015) here.