Which TiddlyWiki plugins do you use? [closed]

There's also TiddlyHub.

Check out my article and links on Tiddlywiki: http://rajivram.blogspot.com/2009/12/exploring-wikis-tiddlywiki.html

I have been diggin in the same problem (I have TiddlyWiki this week) and from tiddlytools I have used the following plugins:

  • InlineJavascriptPlugin, to enable javascripts.
  • EditFieldPlugin, allows keep data input in fields.
  • WikifyPlugin, allows variables evalluation using javascript from InlineJavascriptPlugin, it has awfuls examples, but you can figure out his use in a couple of hours.
  • RefreshTiddlerPlugin, to refresh tiddler, allowing update with external data or iframes.
  • PostFormPlugin, to post dat and sending back to the web, I haven´t personaly test it.
  • PersistentFormPlugin, similar to EditFieldPlugin, but with the HTML part of a tiddler.