Try jsonlint:

sudo apt install jsonlint

The basic usage syntax is


You find its manual by typing man jsonlint or visiting its online manpage:

An excerpt:

       jsonlint - A JSON syntax validator and formatter tool

       jsonlint [-v][-s|-S][-f|-F][-ecodec]inputfile.json...


       The  return  status  will  be  0 if the file is legal JSON, or non-zero
       otherwise.  Use -v to see the warning details.


       -v, --verbose
              Show details of lint checking
       -s, --strict
              Be strict in what is considered legal JSON (the default)
       -S, --nonstrict
              Be loose in what is considered legal JSON
       -f, --format
              Reformat the JSON (if legal) to stdout


So you can see whether your JSON is valid by checking the return code of jsonlint. You can see it by running echo $? right afterwards (0=OK, 1=invalid), or by evaluating it using &&, || or if.

I tried jsonlint but it doesn't work.

jq . may-file.json work nice!

Hope this feedback is helpful.

jq will spit out the error explicitly, and you can also check the exit status, which is 1 for parse errors, and obviously 0 for successes.

For example:

% jq '.' <<<'{"foo": "spam", "bar": 1}'
  "bar": 1,
  "foo": "spam"

% echo $?

Now, let's replace : with = after "bar"-- making the input an invalid json:

% jq '.' <<<'{"foo": "spam", "bar"= 1}'
parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 23

% echo $?                                  

You can do this using python json.tool module

echo '{"name": "dedunu", "country": "LKA"}' | python -m json.tool

If you have a file you can use it as below.

python -m json.tool file.json

But the problem with this command is that you won't get a detail about the problem in JSON file. I found the answer from this link.