Will Ubuntu become rolling distro?
Solution 1:
Those rumors where unfounded, Ubuntu's plans to become a rolling distro never saw the light of day even if they were ever discussed internally.
That news that you saw back in 2010 triggered a response from Engineering Director of Ubuntu Rick Spencer.
On his blog post he clearly says
"Ubuntu is not changing to a rolling release".
He goes further down saying
"What the article was probably referring to was the possibility of making it easier for developers to use cutting edge versions of certain software packages on Ubuntu.This is a wide-ranging project that we will continue to pursue through our normal planning processes."
What he refers here is the +1 maintenance team which exist to ease the pressure on developers and make further releases easier and less stressful for them. It is not to be confused with a rolling release.
After that there was not further information or news about Ubuntu becoming a rolling release. I am assuming that this can be answered better by someone from Canonical / Ubuntu. But since those rumors where proven false and there is no further information about this I can assume that a rolling release is not on the planning table.